BSLBATT has reached to design 208 lithium battery packs for forklifts for customers in 2021

2022/01/12 | Bateria de lítio para empilhadeira | 0

Latest News From BSLBATT Battery

Empresa chinesa fabricante de baterias BSLBATT Battery orgulhosamente anuncia. Em 2021, a BSLBATT projetará 208 estilos diferentes de pacotes de módulos de bateria de lítio para os clientes e mais de 5,000 baterias foram entregues aos clientes.

lithium battery packs for forklifts

BSLBATT’s lithium-ion battery packs are used by customers throughout global in applications such as equipamento de manuseio de material, industrial equipment, Floor Cleaning Machines, Mini excavators, and airport ground support equipment (GSE).

“We are pleased to have achieved a very good report card at BSLBATT Battery in 2021” commented CEO Eric Yi. “We believe these 5,000+ battery packs are a testament to the contributions of our employees and the customer demand for innovative and safe lithium-ion solutions.”

“BSLBATT has a successful and long-standing relationship with Global forklift dealers and industrial battery dealers. We look forward to working closely with Global forklift dealers and industrial battery dealers to make their vision a reality. This effort is in line with BSLBATT Battery’s corporate mission,” BSLBATT apóia e orienta nossos distribuidores a serem NÃO. 1 na substituição de bateria de ácido-chumbo por bateria de empilhadeira LiFePO4 no mercado local.”. Our cutting-edge tecnologia de íons de lítio currently supports energy storage systems in green buildings, material handling equipment, industrial equipment, Floor Cleaning Machines, Mini excavators, and other major applications around the world ” said Bella Chen, general manager of BSLBATT Battery Division.


Sobre a bateria BSLBATT

BSLBATT é um dos maiores desenvolvedores, fabricantes e integradores de baterias de íon-lítio para empilhadeiras in China. BSLBATT supports and guides our distributors to be NO.  1 in the Replacement of Lead Acid Batteries with LiFePO4 Forklift Batteries in the local market. The company sells large quantities of industrial batteries for various equipment. It successfully collaborates with several OEM market leaders.

BSLBATT is a “change ambassador” for the international implementation of the new technology. The company continuously invests in technological development. It has been exploring new chemical compositions that could further reduce the cost of the product while improving performance in order to continue replacing traditional lead-acid batteries. BSLBATT lithium-ion battery systems are built with LFP cells, which have become the benchmark of reliability, longevity, and safety. For more information on BSLBATT Battery, visit lítioforkliftbattery. com.

Sobre o autor

Bateria de lítio para empilhadeira

Desde 2012, atuou como engenheiro-chefe em nossa empresa, ganhou um "Hefei gold worker" e outro título honorário, seu sistema de água de baixa temperatura tipo chumbo 76 Ah shell alumínio lítio ferro fosfato power battery ganhou o quinto trabalhador em Hefei, título de "Excelente "conquistas de inovação tecnológica, liderando o desenvolvimento de reservatório de alumínio ternário, reservatório de alumínio fosfato de ferro de lítio sistema de água, reservatório de plástico de fosfato de ferro de lítio e outros produtos da água.

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